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RAYNET Logger is a small program designed to assist Raynet groups in the logging of messages for events. While not designed to replace paper logging for major excercises, it has been designed with RAYNET’s voice protocols in mind.
As of v 1.2.x, RaynetLogger is also network enabled, allowing several PC’s on a network to log against the server record.
- Wiki: RAYNET Logger Wiki
- Download:RAYNET Logger Download
All frequencies listed below are listed in the 2021 UK bandplan as being used by emergency communications groups.
Groups should remember that the UK band plan is advisory and RAYNET groups do not have a “right” to use any frequency. Having said that, most other amateurs will, when asked in a polite manner, move frequency.
The full UK bandplan is available on the RSGB website.
70 centimetres - FM
- 433.700
- 433.725
- 433.750
- 433.775 2 metres - FM
- 144.260
- 144.625
- 144.650
- 144.675
- 144.775
- 144.800 (Data communication (shared with APRS))
- 145.200 (Emergency Communications Groups utilising this frequency should take steps to avoid interference to ISS operations in non-emergency situations.) 2 metres - USB
- 145.225 4 metres - FM
- 70.350
- 70.375
- 70.400
- 70.350 is listed for digital mode use as well as emergency communications. 6 metres - FM
- 51.650
- 51.750
- 51.970
- 51.990